A01101 : "Percentage distribution by prefecture "
A01601 : "Ratio of population of foreigners(per 100,000 persons) "
A0160101 : "Ratio of population of foreigners[Korean] (per 100,000 persons) "
A0160102 : "Ratio of population of foreigners[Chinese] (per 100,000 persons) "
A0160103 : "Ratio of population of foreigners[American] (per 100,000 persons) "
A01201 : "Population per 1 k of totalland area "
A01202 : "Population per 1 k ofinhabitable area "
A01302 : "Rate of day to night population "
A01401 : "Ratio of DIDs (Densely InhabitedDistricts) population "
A01402 : "Ratio of DIDs area "
A02101 : "Population by sex[all ages] "
A02102 : "Population by sex[under15 years old] "
A02103 : "Population by sex[15-64 years old] "
A02104 : "Population by sex[65 years old and over] "
A03101 : "Ratio of population[under15 years old] "
A03102 : "Ratio of population[15-64 years old] "
A03103 : "Ratio of population[65 years old and over] "
A03401 : "Ratio of juvenile population "
A03402 : "Ratio of aged population "
A03403 : "Ratio of dependent population "
A03404 : "Aging index "
A0410301 : "Ratio of never-married population[20-24 years old, male] "
A0410302 : "Ratio of never-married population[20-24 years old, female] "
A0410401 : "Ratio of never-married population[25-29 years old, male] "
A0410402 : "Ratio of never-married population[25-29 years old, female] "
A0410501 : "Ratio of never-married population[30-34 years old, male] "
A0410502 : "Ratio of never-married population[30-34 years old, female] "
A0410601 : "Ratio of never-married population[35-39 years old, male] "
A0410602 : "Ratio of never-married population[35-39 years old, female] "
A0410701 : "Ratio of never-married population[40-44 years old, male] "
A0410702 : "Ratio of never-married population[40-44 years old, female] "
A0410801 : "Ratio of never-married population[45-49 years old, male] "
A0410802 : "Ratio of never-married population[45-49 years old, female] "
A0430701 : "Ratio of widowed population[60 years old and over, male] "
A0430702 : "Ratio of widowed population[60 years old and over, female] "
A0440501 : "Ratio of divorced population[40-49 years old, male] "
A0440502 : "Ratio of divorced population[40-49 years old, female] "
A0440601 : "Ratio of divorced population[50-59 years old, male] "
A0440602 : "Ratio of divorced population[50-59 years old, female] "
A05101 : "Increase rate of population "
A05201 : "Rate of natural increase "
A05202 : "Crude birth rate (per 1,000 persons) "
A05203 : "Total fertility rate "
A05204 : "Crude death rate (per 1,000 persons) "
A0520401 : "Crude death rate [male](per 1,000 persons) "
A0520402 : "Crude death rate [female](per 1,000 persons) "
A05205 : "Death rate of 0-4 years old(per 1,000 persons) "
A05218 : "Death rate of 65 years old andover (per 1,000 persons) "
A0521901 : "Age-adjusted death rate [male](per 1,000 persons) "
A0521902 : "Age-adjusted death rate [female](per 1,000 persons) "
A05301 : "Rate of social increase "
A05302 : "Rate of In-migrants from otherprefectures "
A05303 : "Rate of Out-migrants toother prefectures "
A05304 : "Ratio of inflow population "
A05305 : "Ratio of outflow population "
A0610101 : "Percentage distribution of privatehouseholds "
A06102 : "Members per private household "
A06202 : "Ratio of family nuclei households "
F01503 : "Ratio of dual-income households "
A06205 : "Ratio of one-person households "
A06301 : "Ratio of households with members65 years old and over "
A06302 : "Ratio of aged-couple households "
A06304 : "Ratio of aged-single person households "
A06601 : "Rate of marriages (per 1,000 persons) "
A06602 : "Rate of divorces (per 1,000 persons) "
B01101 : "Percent of total land area "
B01202 : "Ratio of forest area "
B01205 : "Ratio of artificial afforested area "
B01204 : "Ratio of natural park area "
B01301 : "Ratio of inhabitable area "
B01401 : "Ratio of evaluated land tract[taxable land area] "
B0140101 : "Ratio of evaluated land tract[paddy fields] "
B0140102 : "Ratio of evaluated land tract[fields] "
B0140103 : "Ratio of evaluated land tract[land of building] "
B02101 : "Yearly average of air temperature "
B02102 : "Highest temperature among monthlyaverages of daily highest "
B02103 : "Lowest temperature among monthlyaverages of daily lowest "
B02201 : "Yearly average of relative humidity "
B02401 : "Yearly sunshine hours "
B02402 : "Yearly precipitation "
B02301 : "Yearly clear days "
B02303 : "Yearly rainy days "
B02304 : "Yearly snowy days "
C01301 : "Prefectural income per person "
C01101 : "Annual increase rate of grossprefectural product "
C01105 : "Annual increase rate ofprefectural income "
C01106 : "Annual increase rate of grossprefectural expenditure (nominal) "
C01107 : "Annual increase rate of grossprefectural expenditure (real) "
C02102 : "Ratio of secondary industry establishments "
C02103 : "Ratio of tertiary industry establishments "
C02201 : "Ratio of private establishmentswith 1-4 persons "
C02205 : "Ratio of private establishmentswith 100 persons and over "
C03201 : "Ratio of persons in privateestablishments with 1-4 persons "
C03205 : "Ratio of persons in privateestablishments with 100 persons and over "
C03303 : "Persons in secondary industry(per establishment) "
C0330303 : "Persons in manufacturing industry(per establishment) "
C03304 : "Persons in tertiary industry(per establishment) "
C0330408 : "Persons in wholesale, retail trade,eating and drinking places, etc.(per establishment)"
C0410101 : "Gross agricultural product peragricultural worker(commercial farm households)"
C04105 : "Ratio of cultivated land area "
C04106 : "Land productivity(per hectare of cultivated land area) "
C0410701 : "Cultivated land area(per ) "
C04401 : "Shipments of manufactured goods(per employee) "
C04404 : "Value of manufactured goods shipments,etc. (per establishment) "
C04505 : "Total sales during the year[wholesale and retail trade](per employee)"
C04507 : "Total sales during the year[wholesale and retail trade](per establishment)"
C04601 : "Outstanding deposits (per capita) "
C0460101 : "Outstanding post-office savings(per capita) "
C04602 : "Outstanding personal deposits(per capita) "
L04201 : "Regional difference index of consumerprices [general : ku-area of Tokyo = 100] "
L04203 : "Regional difference index of consumerprices [food : ku-area of Tokyo = 100] "
L04101 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[general : including imputed rent] "
L04102 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[general : excluding imputed rent] "
L04104 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[food] "
L04105 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[housing : including imputed rent] "
L04106 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[fuel, light & water charges] "
L04107 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[furniture & household utensils] "
L04108 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[clothes & footwear] "
L04109 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[medical care] "
L04110 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[transportation & communication] "
L04111 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[education] "
L04112 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[reading & recreation] "
L04113 : "Annual increase rate of CPI[miscellaneous] "
L04302 : "Annual increase rate of land prices[residential] "
L04304 : "Annual increase rate of land prices[commercial] "
D0110101 : "Index of financial potential[prefecture] "
D01102 : "Real term balance of revenue toexpenditure [prefecture] "
D0120101 : "Ratio of self-financial resources[prefecture] "
D0130201 : "Ratio of outstanding amount oflocal government bond to expenditure[prefecture]"
D01401 : "Real term of current balance[prefecture] "
D0140201 : "Ratio of investment expenditure[prefecture] "
D0140301 : "Ratio of revenues from local taxesand grants [prefecture] "
D0210101 : "Ratio of local taxes[prefecture] "
D0210201 : "Ratio of grants to local governments[prefecture] "
D0210301 : "Ratio of national disbursements[prefecture] "
D0220103 : "Resident tax per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D02202 : "Fixed assets tax per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D02204 : "Amount of national tax(per capita) "
D02206 : "Taxable income per personsunder taxes duty "
D02207 : "Percentage of tax payer "
D0310301 : "Ratio of welfare expenditure[prefecture] "
D0310401 : "Ratio of social welfare expenditure[prefecture] "
D0310501 : "Ratio of welfare expenditure for the aged[prefecture] "
D0310601 : "Ratio of welfare expenditurefor children [prefecture] "
D0310701 : "Ratio of expenditure for livelihoodprotection [prefecture] "
D0310801 : "Ratio of health expenditure[prefecture] "
D0310901 : "Ratio of labour expenditure[prefecture] "
D0311001 : "Ratio of agriculture, forestryand fishery expenditure [prefecture] "
D0311101 : "Ratio of commerce and manufacturingexpenditure [prefecture] "
D0311201 : "Ratio of public works expenditure[prefecture] "
D03113 : "Ratio of police expenditure[prefecture] "
D03114 : "Ratio of fire service expenditure[municipality] "
D0311501 : "Ratio of education expenditure[prefecture] "
D0312301 : "Ratio of disaster relief expenditure[prefecture] "
D0320101 : "Ratio of personnel expenses[prefecture] "
D0320201 : "Ratio of allowances [prefecture] "
D0320301 : "Ratio of ordinary constructionexpenses [prefecture] "
D0330103 : "Total expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0330203 : "Welfare expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0330303 : "Social welfare expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0330403 : "Social welfare expenditure for agedpersons per capita 65 years old and over[prefecture + municipality]"
D0330503 : "Welfare expenditure for children percapita 0-17 years old[prefecture + municipality]"
D0330603 : "Welfare expenditure for livelihood protection per person assistedby livelihood protection[prefecture + municipality]"
D0330703 : "Health expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0331103 : "Public works expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D03312 : "Police expenditure per capita[prefecture] "
D03313 : "Fire protection expenditure per capita[Tokyo-to municipality] "
D0331403 : "Education expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0332003 : "Social education expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0332103 : "Disaster relief expenditure per capita[prefecture + municipality] "
D0331503 : "Elementary school expenditure per pupil[prefecture + municipality] "
D0331603 : "Junior high school expenditure per pupil[prefecture + municipality] "
D0331703 : "Senior high school expenditure per pupil[prefecture + municipality] "
D0331803 : "Expenditure for schools for thehandicapped per pupil[prefecture + municipality]"
D0331903 : "Kindergarten expenditure per pupil[prefecture + municipality] "
E0110101 : "Elementary schools(per 100,000 population 6-11 years) "
E0110102 : "Junior high schools(per 100,000 population 12-14 years) "
E0110103 : "Senior high schools(per 100,000 population 15-17 years) "
E0110104 : "Kindergartens(per 100,000 population 3-5 years) "
E0110105 : "Day nurseries(per 100,000 population 0-5 years) "
E0110201 : "Elementary schools(per inhabitable area 100 k) "
E0110202 : "Junior high schools(per inhabitable area 100 k) "
E0110203 : "Senior high schools(per inhabitable area 100 k) "
E01303 : "Ratio of public senior high schools "
E01304 : "Ratio of public kindergartens "
E01305 : "Ratio of public day nurseries "
E0210101 : "Ground area of publicelementary schools (per pupil) "
E0210102 : "Ground area of publicjunior high schools (per student) "
E0210103 : "Ground area of publicsenior high schools (per student) "
E02601 : "Ratio of public elementaryschools with gymnasium "
E02602 : "Ratio of public junior high schoolswith gymnasium "
E02603 : "Ratio of public senior high schoolswith gymnasium "
E02701 : "Ratio of public elementaryschools with swimming pool "
E02702 : "Ratio of public junior highschools with swimming pool "
E02703 : "Ratio of public senior high schoolswith swimming pool "
E0410201 : "Ratio of female teachers[elementary school] "
E0410202 : "Ratio of female teachers[junior high school] "
E0510301 : "Elementary school pupils(per teacher) "
E0510302 : "Junior high school students(per teacher) "
E0510303 : "Senior high school students(per teacher) "
E0510304 : "Kindergarten pupils(per teacher) "
E0510305 : "Day nursery pupils(per nurse) "
E05203 : "Ratio of public senior high schoolstudents "
E05204 : "Ratio of public kindergarteners "
E05205 : "Ratio of public day nursery children "
E0610101 : "Junior colleges(per 100,000 persons) "
E0610102 : "Colleges and universities(per 100,000 persons) "
E0610201 : "Entrance capacity index of junior colleges "
E0610202 : "Entrance capacity index of collegesand universities "
E0620401 : "Ratio of students of nationalcolleges + universities to all students "
E0620402 : "Ratio of students of public collegesand universities to all students "
E0620403 : "Ratio of students of private collegesand universities to all students "
E08101 : "Speciality schools(per 100,000 persons) "
E08102 : "Miscellaneous schools(per 100,000 persons) "
E08201 : "Students enrolled in specialityschools (per 1,000 persons) "
E08202 : "Students enrolled in miscellaneousschools (per 1,000 persons) "
E0910101 : "Educational diffusion rate[kindergartens] "
E0910102 : "Educational diffusion rate[day nurseries] "
E0910402 : "Working rate of day nurseriesagainst the capacity "
E09211 : "Ratio of long-term absentees fromelementary school [30 days and morefor a school year] (per 1,000 pupils)"
E09212 : "Ratio of long-term absentees fromjunior high school [30 days and morefor a school year] (per 1,000 students)"
I0821101 : "Ratio of long-term absentees from elementary school due to diseases[30 days and more for a school year](per 1,000 pupils)"
I0821102 : "Ratio of long-term absentees from junior high school due to diseases[30 daysand more for a school year](per 1,000 students)"
E09213 : "Ratio of long-term absentees from elementary school torefusal to attend school [30 days and more for a school year](per 1,000 pupils)"
E09214 : "Ratio of long-term absentees from junior high school students due torefusal to attend school [30 days and more for a school year](per 1,000 students)"
E09401 : "Ratio of junior high graduatesgoing to further education "
E09402 : "Ratio of senior high graduatesgoing to further education "
E0940302 : "Ratio of high school graduatesentering colleges and universitiesin the same prefecture"
E09501 : "Ratio of people having completed up toelementary or junior high school only "
E09502 : "Ratio of people having completedup to senior high school only "
E09503 : "Ratio of people having completedup to junior colleges or equivalent "
E09504 : "Ratio of people having completedup to colleges and universities "
F0110101 : "Labour force participation rate[male] "
F0110102 : "Labour force participation rate[female] "
F01201 : "Ratio of persons employed in theprimary industry "
F01202 : "Ratio of persons employedin the secondary industry "
F01203 : "Ratio of persons employedin the tertiary industry "
F01301 : "Unemployment rate[both sexes] "
F0130101 : "Unemployment rate[male] "
F0130102 : "Unemployment rate[female] "
F02301 : "Ratio of employees to all workers "
F02501 : "Ratio of persons living andworking in the same prefecture "
F0260101 : "Ratio of people working awayfrom home(commercial farm households)"
F02701 : "Ratio of workers commutingto other municipalities "
F02702 : "Ratio of workers commutingfrom other municipalities "
F03101 : "Ratio of new employment "
F03102 : "Ratio of new employmentin the establishment not locatedin their living prefecture"
F03103 : "Ratio of job vacancies to application "
F03104 : "Ratio of newly filled vacancies "
F0320101 : "Ratio of employment to part-time jobapplications [regular] "
F03303 : "Ratio of new employment tosenior high school graduates "
F03302 : "Ratio of high school graduatesgetting jobs outside the prefecture "
F03301 : "Rate of new high school graduatesgetting jobs "
F03304 : "Job vacancies rate ofnew high school graduates "
F03401 : "Ratio of new junior college graduatesnot working "
F03403 : "Ratio of new or university graduates "
F03402 : "Ratio of new college or universitygraduates not working "
F0350101 : "Rate of persons 45 years oldand over getting jobs "
F0350201 : "Ratio of employment for persons45 years old and over "
F03601 : "Ratio of employment forthe handicapped person(per 1,000 employments)"
F03602 : "Ratio of employed handicapped persons(per 1,000 employees) "
F04101 : "Ratio of persons who changed jobs "
F04102 : "Ratio of persons who left jobs "
F04103 : "Ratio of newly employed "
F04104 : "Ratio of job changes "
F05101 : "Public human resources developmentfacilities [per million persons whose agesare 15 years old and over]"
F0610101 : "Hours worked [monthly average, male] "
F0610102 : "Hours worked [monthly average, female] "
F0620101 : "Wages regularly paid[monthly average, male] "
F0620102 : "Wages regularly paid[monthly average, female] "
F06204 : "Salary of part-time worker[hour, female] "
F0620301 : "Starting salary, senior highschool graduates [month, male] "
F0620302 : "Starting salary, senior highschool graduates [month, female] "
F0620303 : "Starting salary, college or universitygraduates [month, male] "
F0620304 : "Starting salary, junior collegegraduates [month, female] "
G01101 : "Public halls(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01104 : "Libraries(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01107 : "Museums(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01109 : "Educational facilities for youthand children (per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01115 : "Welfare facilities for young workersand women (per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01202 : "Movie theaters(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01311 : "Public sports facilities(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01313 : "Public multi-purpose playgrounds(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01314 : "Public tennis courts(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01315 : "Public gymnasiums(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01316 : "Public swimming pools [indoor and outdoor](per 1,000,000 persons) "
G01317 : "Public baseball and softball grounds(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G03201 : "Youth education classes(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G03203 : "General adults education classes(per 1,000,000 persons) "
G0320501 : "Women education classes(per 1,000,000 persons)[female]"
G03207 : "Education classes (per 1,000,000 persons) "
G04101 : "Participation rate of voluntarysocial service activities "
G04211 : "Participation rate of sports "
G04306 : "Participation rate of travelsand day excursion "
G04307 : "Participation rate of foreign travels "
G05102 : "Sales of books and magazines(per year, capita) "
G0430501 : "Passports issued(per 1,000 persons) "
H01301 : "Ratio of owned houses "
H01302 : "Ratio of rented houses "
H0130202 : "Ratio of rented houses owned byprivate sector "
H01204 : "Ratio of new constructions of housesto dwellings occupied by households "
H01601 : "Ratio of new constructionsof owned houses "
H01603 : "Ratio of new constructionsof rented houses "
H01401 : "Ratio of detached houses "
H01402 : "Ratio of tenement-houses "
H01403 : "Ratio of apartments "
H02104 : "Building area per dwelling "
H0210301 : "Floor area of owned houses(per dwelling) "
H0210302 : "Floor area of rented houses(per dwelling) "
H0210701 : "Floor area of newly constructedowned houses (per dwelling) "
H0210703 : "Floor area of newly constructedrented houses (per dwelling) "
H02101 : "Dwelling rooms(per dwelling) "
H0210101 : "Dwelling rooms of owned houses(per dwelling) "
H0210102 : "Dwelling rooms of rented houses(per dwelling) "
H0220301 : "Number of tatami of owned houses(per capita) "
H0220302 : "Number of tatami of rented houses(per capita) "
H0210201 : "Number of tatami of owned houses(per dwelling) "
H0210202 : "Number of tatami of rented houses(per dwelling) "
H02302 : "Ratio of dwellings with flush toilet "
H02303 : "Ratio of dwellings with bathroom "
H02601 : "Ratio of households exceeding minimumhousing standard "
H04101 : "Monthly rent, owned by local governmentor public corporations (per 3.3) "
H04102 : "Monthly rent, owned by privatecorporations (per 3.3) "
H04301 : "Planned cost of new dwellingconstructions (per 1) "
H05102 : "Ratio of households coveredby city gas supply system "
H05201 : "Ratio of households covered bypiped water supply system "
H05304 : "Diffusion rate of sewerage "
H05306 : "Ratio of population benefitingfrom the sewage system "
H0540101 : "Ratio of population covered bywaste processing service "
H05503 : "Ratio of population covered bygarbage collection service "
H05504 : "Ratio of garbage reclamation "
H05601 : "Electric power consumed(per household) "
H06101 : "Retail stores excluding eating and drinkingplaces, etc. (per 1,000 persons) "
H06103 : "Dry goods, apparel and accessoryretail stores (per 1,000 persons) "
H06105 : "Food and drink stores(per 1,000 persons) "
H06107 : "Eating and drinking places(per 1,000 persons) "
H06109 : "Large-scale retail stores(per 100,000 persons) "
H06111 : "Department stores(per 100,000 persons) "
H06113 : "Self-service stores(per 100,000 persons) "
H0611302 : "Convenience stores(per 100,000 persons) "
H06125 : "Gas stations(per 100km of real length of roads) "
H06117 : "Barbers and beauty shops(per 100,000 persons) "
H06119 : "Laundries(per 100,000 persons) "
H06121 : "Public bathhouses(per 100,000 persons) "
H06302 : "Post offices(per inhabitable area 100k) "
H06309 : "Domestic mail and parcelpost accepted "
H06305 : "Telephones subscribed(per 1,000 persons) "
H06306 : "Telephones for residence(per 1,000 persons) "
H06307 : "Public telephones(per 1,000 persons) "
H06401 : "Total real length of roads(per 1k) "
H06402 : "Total real length of major roads(per 1k) "
H06406 : "Ratio of major roads paved "
H06408 : "Ratio of local roads paved "
H06412 : "The volume of average traffic "
H06501 : "Total owned automobiles(per 1,000 persons) "
H0650101 : "Passenger cars for private use(per 1,000 persons) "
H0650102 : "Passenger cars for business use(per 1,000 persons) "
H03101 : "Ratio of ordinary households of which main earner is an employee commutingfor 90 minutes and over"
H07201 : "Ratio of area underrestricted urbanization "
H0720202 : "Ratio of exclusive residential areaand residential area "
H0720201 : "Ratio of exclusive residential area "
H0720204 : "Ratio of commercial and neighboringcommercial area "
H0720203 : "Ratio of neighboring commercial area "
H0720205 : "Ratio of industrial and quasi-industrial area "
H0720206 : "Ratio of exclusive industrial area "
H08101 : "Area of public parks per capita "
H08301 : "Public parks per inhabitable area 100k "
H08302 : "Parks for inhabitantsper inhabitable area 100k "
H08303 : "Neighborhood parksper inhabitable area 100k "
H08304 : "Parks for exerciseper inhabitable area 100k "
I04105 : "Persons who have subjective symptom(per 1,000 persons) "
I04104 : "Outpatients(per 1,000 persons) "
I04102 : "New inpatients, general hospitals(per 100,000 persons) "
I04103 : "New inpatients, mental hospitals(per 100,000 persons) "
I0420102 : "Outpatients in general hospitalsper day (per 100,000 persons) "
I0420103 : "Outpatients in mental hospitalsper day (per 100,000 persons) "
I0420202 : "Inpatients in general hospitalsper day (per 100,000 persons) "
I0420203 : "Inpatients in mental hospitalsper day (per 100,000 persons) "
I05101 : "Standardized death rate(per 1,000 persons year) "
I0520101 : "Life expectancy [0 year old, male] "
I0520102 : "Life expectancy [0 year old, female] "
I0520201 : "Life expectancy [20 years old, male] "
I0520202 : "Life expectancy [20 year old, female] "
I0520501 : "Life expectancy [65 year old, male] "
I0520502 : "Life expectancy [65 year old, female] "
I06101 : "Deaths caused by geriatric diseases(per 100,000 persons) "
I06102 : "Deaths caused by malignant neoplasms(per 100,000 persons) "
I06103 : "Deaths caused by diabetes mellitus(per 100,000 persons) "
I06104 : "Deaths caused by hypertensive diseases(per 100,000 persons) "
I06105 : "Deaths caused by heart diseases[excluding hypertensive heart diseases](per 100,000 persons)"
I06106 : "Deaths caused by cerebrovasculardiseases (per 100,000 persons) "
I06201 : "Suicides (per 100,000 persons) "
I07101 : "Still-births rate(per 1,000 live and still-births) "
I07102 : "Neonatal death rate(per 1,000 live births) "
I07103 : "Perinatal death rate(per 1,000 live births) "
I07104 : "Infant death rate(per 1,000 live births) "
I07105 : "Pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium(per 100,000 live and still births) "
I07201 : "Birth rate of babies weighting under2,500g (per 1,000 live births) "
I0210101 : "Height, male of the fifth grade(elementary school) "
I0210102 : "Height, female of the fifth grade(elementary school) "
I0210103 : "Height, male of the second grade(junior high school) "
I0210104 : "Height, female of the second grade(junior high school) "
I0210105 : "Height, male of the second grade(senior high school) "
I0210106 : "Height, female of the second grade(senior high school) "
I0210201 : "Weight, male of the fifth grade(elementary school) "
I0210202 : "Weight, female of the fifth grade(elementary school) "
I0210203 : "Weight, male of the second grade(junior high school) "
I0210204 : "Weight, female of the second grade(junior high school) "
I0210205 : "Weight, male of the second grade(senior high school) "
I0210206 : "Weight, female of the second grade(senior high school) "
I0910103 : "General hospitals(per 100,000 persons) "
I0910105 : "General clinics(per 100,000 persons) "
I0910106 : "Dental clinics(per 100,000 persons) "
I0910107 : "Mental hospitals(per 100,000 persons) "
I0910203 : "Beds in general hospitals(per 100,000 persons) "
I0910205 : "Beds for mental diseases(per 100,000 persons) "
I0920101 : "Physicians working at medicalestablishments (per 100,000 persons) "
I0920201 : "Dentists working at medicalestablishments (per 100,000 persons) "
I0920301 : "Nurses working at medicalestablishments (per 100,000 persons) "
I0930201 : "Full-time physicians in generalhospitals (per 100 beds) "
I0930301 : "Nurses (per 100 beds) "
I09401 : "Ratio of public general hospitals "
I09402 : "Ratio of beds in publicgeneral hospital "
I0950102 : "General hospitals(per 100k of inhabitable area) "
I0950103 : "General clinics(per 100k of inhabitable area) "
I0950104 : "Dental clinics(per 100k of inhabitable area) "
I10101 : "Daily outpatients in generalhospitals (per physician) "
I10102 : "Daily inpatients in generalhospitals (per physician) "
I10103 : "Daily inpatients in generalhospitals (per nurse) "
I10104 : "Ratio of daily occupied bedsin general hospitals "
I10105 : "Average length of stayin general hospitals "
I10201 : "Outpatients in mental hospitals(per full-time physician) "
I10202 : "Inpatients in mental hospitals(per full-time physician) "
I10203 : "Daily inpatients in mental hospitals(per nurse) "
I10204 : "Ratio of daily occupied bedsin mental hospitals "
I10205 : "Average length of stay in mentalhospitals (per inpatient) "
I11101 : "Emergency hospitals and generalclinics (per 100,000 persons) "
I11102 : "Ambulancesclinics (per 100,000 persons) "
I11201 : "Frequency of dispatches of ambulances(per 1,000 persons) "
I12201 : "Public health nurses(per 100,000 persons) "
I13102 : "Ratio of recipients of medical inspectionsfor geriatric diseases "
I13207 : "Total persons given dental hygieneinspections (per 1,000 persons) "
I13201 : "Pregnant and puerperal women givenhealth guidance (per 100 births) "
I13402 : "Cases of penalties(per 1,000 food business places) "
I14101 : "Pharmacies(per 100,000 persons) "
I14102 : "Drug sellers(per 100,000 persons) "
I14201 : "Pharmacies(per 100k inhabitable area) "
I14202 : "Drug sellers(per 100k inhabitable area) "
J01101 : "Households assisted by livelihoodprotection per 1,000 households(monthly average)"
J01107 : "Persons assisted by livelihoodprotection per 1,000 persons(monthly average)"
J0110803 : "Educational recipients assistedby livelihood protection per 1,000persons (monthly average)"
J0110804 : "Medical recipients assisted by livelihoodprotection per 1,000 persons(monthly average)"
J0110902 : "Aged persons assisted by livelihoodprotection per 1,000 persons 65 yearsold and over (monthly average)"
J01200 : "Certificates issued for physicallydisabled persons per 1,000 persons "
J02101 : "Institutions for livelihood protection(per 100,000 persons assisted) "
J02201 : "Homes for the aged (per 100,000persons 65 years old and over) "
J02204 : "Fee-charging homes for the aged (per100,000 persons 65 years old and over) "
J02202 : "Welfare centers for the aged (per100,000 persons 65 years old and over) "
J02203 : "Recreation centers for the aged (per100,000 persons 65 years old and over) "
J02301 : "Rehabilitation facilities for physicallydisabled persons (per 1,000,000 persons) "
J02401 : "Facilities for people with mentalretardation (per 1,000,000 persons) "
J02501 : "Child welfare institutions(per 100,000 persons) "
J03101 : "Workers at institutions for livelihoodprotection (per 1,000 persons assisted) "
J03201 : "Workers at homes for the aged(per 100,000 persons65 years old and over)"
J03202 : "Workers at welfare centers for the aged(per 100,000 persons65 years old and over)"
J03203 : "Workers at recreation centers for the aged(per 100,000 persons65 years old and over)"
J03301 : "Workers at homes for physicallydisabled persons (per 100,000 persons) "
J03401 : "Workers at rehabilitation homes forpeople with mental retardation(per 100,000 persons)"
J03501 : "Workers at child welfare institutions(per 100,000 persons) "
J04101 : "Capacity of institutions for livelihoodprotection (per 1,000 persons assisted) "
J04102 : "Inmates in institutions for livelihoodprotection (per 1,000 persons assisted) "
J04201 : "Capacity of homes for the aged(per 1,000 persons 65 years old and over) "
J04202 : "Inmates in homes for the aged(per 1,000 persons 65 years old and over) "
J04203 : "Capacity of fee-charging homesfor the aged (per 1,000 persons65 years old and over)"
J04204 : "Inmates in fee-charging homesfor the aged (per 1,000 persons65 years old and over)"
J04301 : "Capacity of rehabilitation facilitiesfor physically disabled persons(per 100,000 persons)"
J04302 : "Inmates in rehabilitation facilitiesfor physically disabled persons(per 100,000 persons)"
J04401 : "Capacity of facilities for people withmental retardation (per 100,000 persons) "
J04402 : "Inmates in facilities for people withmental retardation (per 100,000 persons) "
J05101 : "Welfare (child) commissioners(per 100,000 persons) "
J05102 : "Counsellors for physically disabledpersons (per 100,000 persons) "
J05103 : "Counsellors for people with mentalretardation (per 100,000 persons) "
J05107 : "Homehelpers(per 100,000 persons) "
J05201 : "Consultations and guidances perwelfare (child) commissioner "
J05202 : "Applications for livelihood protectionto welfare offices(per 1,000 households assisted)"
J05203 : "Actual number of physically disabledpersons treated (per 1,000 persons) "
J05206 : "Actual number of physically disabledpersons treated at rehabilitationoffices (per 1,000 persons)"
J05204 : "Actual number of people with mentalretardation treated at welfare offices(per 100,000 persons)"
J05207 : "Actual number of people with mentalretardation treated at rehabilitationoffices (per 100,000 persons)"
J0610101 : "Insured persons of national annuity[Class 1] (per 1,000 persons of20-59 years old)"
J0610102 : "Insured persons of national annuity[Class 3] (per 1,000 persons of20-59 years old)"
I15101 : "Persons insured by nationalhealth insurance (per 1,000 persons) "
I15102 : "Cases of benefits paid (per 1,000 personsinsured of national health insurance) "
I15103 : "Amount of benefits paid (per caseof national health insurance) "
I15202 : "Persons covered government managedhealth insurance (per 1,000 persons) "
I1520301 : "Cases of benefits paid (per 1,000persons covered of governmentmanaged health insurance)"
I1520302 : "Cases of benefits paid (per 1,000dependents covered of governmentmanaged health insurance)"
I1520401 : "Amount of benefits paid (per personcovered of government managedhealth insurance)"
I1520402 : "Amount of benefits paid (perdependent covered of governmentmanaged health insurance)"
F07101 : "Ratio of recipients of benefitsof employment insurance "
F07102 : "Average of basic benefitof employment insurance "
F08101 : "Rate of workers receiving labouraccident compensation insurance "
F08102 : "Average of benefits of labouraccident compensation insurance "
F08201 : "Frequency rate of occurrenceof industrial accidents "
F08202 : "Severity rate of occurrence ofindustrial accidents "
K01102 : "Fire stations(inhabitable area 100k) "
K01104 : "Fire fighting units and sub-units(inhabitable area 100k) "
K01105 : "Fire engines and cars existing(per 100,000 persons) "
K01107 : "Water facilities for fire fighting(per 100,000 persons) "
K01301 : "Firemen in stations and units(per 100,000 persons) "
K01302 : "Firemen in stations(per 100,000 persons) "
K01401 : "Operation frequencies(per 100,000 persons) "
K01402 : "Operation frequencies for fireextinction (per 100,000 persons) "
K02101 : "Occurrences of fire(per 100,000 persons) "
K02103 : "Occurrences of building fires(per 100,000 persons) "
K02203 : "Persons killed or injured by fires(per 100,000 persons) "
K02205 : "Estimated value of loss bybuilding fires (per capita) "
K02301 : "Households suffered by fires(per 100 building fire cases) "
K02303 : "Persons killed or injured by fires(per 100 building fire cases) "
K02306 : "Estimated value of loss by building fires(per fire case) "
K03102 : "Elevated crossings(per 1,000km of real length of roads) "
K03104 : "Crossings(per 1,000km of real length of roads) "
K03112 : "Traffics signals(per 1,000km of real length of roads) "
K04102 : "Traffic accidents(per 1,000km real length of roads) "
K04101 : "Traffic accidents(per 100,000 persons) "
K04105 : "Persons killed or injured by trafficaccidents (per 100,000 persons) "
K04106 : "Persons killed by traffic accidents(per 100,000 persons) "
K04107 : "Persons injured by traffic accidents(per 100,000 persons) "
K04201 : "Persons killed or injured(per 100 traffic accidents) "
K04202 : "Persons killed(per 100 traffic accidents) "
K04301 : "Arrests for traffic violations(per 1,000 persons) "
K05102 : "Police stations and police boxes(per inhabitable area 100k) "
K05103 : "Police men(per 1,000 persons) "
K06101 : "Recognitions of criminal offenses(per 1,000 persons) "
K06104 : "Recognitions of larceny offenses(per 1,000 persons) "
K06201 : "Ratio of arrests to recognitionsof criminal offenses "
K06204 : "Ratio of arrests to recognitionsof larceny offenses "
K06401 : "Ratio of felonious offenses torecognitions of criminal offenses "
K06402 : "Ratio of violent offenses torecognitions of criminal offenses "
K06403 : "Ratio of larceny offenses torecognitions of criminal offenses "
K06405 : "Ratio of moral offenses torecognitions of criminal offenses "
K06301 : "Juvenile delinquent arrested forcriminal offenses(per 1,000 persons of 14-19 years old)"
K06304 : "Juvenile delinquent arrested forcriminal larceny(per 1,000 persons of 14-19 years old)"
K06501 : "Cases indicted for special criminal laws(per 100,000 persons) "
K06503 : "Cases indicted for drug law(per 100,000 persons) "
K07105 : "Value of damage by disasters(per capita) "
K08101 : "Deaths by accidents(per 100,000 persons) "
K09201 : "Cases of grievances against pollution(per 100,000 persons) "
K10101 : "Private life insurance policiesin force (per 1,000 persons) "
K10105 : "Amount insured by private lifeinsurance (per policy in force) "
K10107 : "Amount insured by private lifeinsurance (per household) "
K10201 : "Post-office life insurance policiesin force (per 1,000 persons) "
K10203 : "Amount insured by post-officelife insurance (per policy) "
K10301 : "New fire insurance policies effected(per 1,000 private households) "
K10304 : "Cases of payments of fire insurance(per 1,000 private households) "
K10305 : "Amount insured by fire insurance(per policy in force) "
K10401 : "Receipt of payments of compulsoryautomobile liability insurance(per 1,000 automobiles)"
K10403 : "Insurance paid by compulsory automobileliability insurance (per recipient) "
K10501 : "Popularization of voluntaryautomobile insurance on vehicles "
K10502 : "Popularization of voluntaryautomobile insurance on persons "
K10503 : "Popularization of voluntaryautomobile insurance on property "
L01201 : "Monthly income per household[workers' households] "
L01204 : "Monthly wages and salaries ofhousehold head per household[workers' households]"
L02602 : "Monthly propensity to consume[workers' households] "
L02201 : "Monthly living expenditure perhousehold [all households] "
L02401 : "Ratio of expenditure for food[all households] "
L02402 : "Ratio of expenditure for housing[all households] "
L02403 : "Ratio of expenditure for fuel, light& water charges [all households] "
L02404 : "Ratio of expenditure for furniture& household utensils [all households] "
L02405 : "Ratio of expenditure for clothes& footwear [all households] "
L02406 : "Ratio of expenditure for medical care[all households] "
L02407 : "Ratio of expenditure for transportation& communication [all households] "
L02408 : "Ratio of expenditure for education[all households] "
L02409 : "Ratio of expenditure for reading& recreation [all households] "
L02410 : "Ratio of expenditure for otherliving [all households] "
L02734 : "Ratio of net savings & insuranceto disposable income[workers' households]"
L02735 : "Ratio of net savings to disposable income[workers' households] "
L02736 : "Ratio of net decrease in debts for houses & land to disposable income [workers' households]"
L01100 : "Total income of farm household "
L0110101 : "Ratio of agricultural income "
L0110102 : "Ratio of nonagricultural income "
L02601 : "Monthly propensity to consumeof farmer's household "
L02101 : "Monthly expenditure for householdper farmer's household "
L02301 : "Engel's coefficientof farmer's household "
L03201 : "Amount of savings per household[all households] "
L03212 : "Ratio of deposits[all households] "
L03213 : "Ratio of life insurance savings[all households] "
L03214 : "Ratio of securities savings[all households] "
L03401 : "Liabilities per household[all households] "
L03412 : "Ratio of liabilities for houses and land[all households] "
L03602 : "Number of microwave ovens per1,000 households [all households] "
L03603 : "Number of room air-conditioners per1,000 households [all households] "
L03604 : "Number of stereo phonographs sets per1,000 households [all households] "
L03606 : "Number of pianos per1,000 households [all households] "
L03607 : "Number of cars per1,000 households [all households] "
M01101 : "Primary activities [male] "
M01102 : "Primary activities [female] "
M0120106 : "Secondary activities[male with a job] "
M0120206 : "Secondary activities[female with a job] "
M0120107 : "Secondary activities[male without a job] "
M0120207 : "Secondary activities[female without a job] "
M0130106 : "Tertiary activities[male with a job] "
M0130206 : "Tertiary activities[female with a job] "
M0130107 : "Tertiary activities[male without a job] "
M0130207 : "Tertiary activities[female without a job] "
M0210101 : "Work [male with a job] "
M0210201 : "Work [female with a job] "
M0310101 : "Hobbies and amusements[male with a job] "
M0310201 : "Hobbies and amusements[female with a job] "
M0310102 : "Hobbies and amusements[male without a job] "
M0310202 : "Hobbies and amusements[female without a job] "
M0330101 : "T.V. , radio, newspapers and magazines[male with a job] "
M0330201 : "T.V. , radio, newspapers and magazines[female with a job] "
M0330102 : "T.V. , radio, newspapers and magazines[male without a job] "
M0330202 : "T.V. , radio, newspapers and magazines[female without a job] "
A1101 : "Total population "
A110101 : "Total population [male] "
A110102 : "Total population [female] "
A1102 : "Japanese population "
A1700 : "Population of foreigners "
A2102 : "Total population derived from the basicresident registers and registered foreigners "
A3100 : "Population of registered foreigners "
A1301 : "Population under 15 years old "
A130101 : "Population under 15 years old [male] "
A130102 : "Population under 15 years old [female] "
A1302 : "Population 15-64 years old "
A130201 : "Population 15-64 years old [male] "
A130202 : "Population 15-64 years old [female] "
A1303 : "Population 65 years old and over "
A130301 : "Population 65 years old and over[male] "
A130302 : "Population 65 years old and over[female] "
A1417 : "Population 70 years old and over "
A1602021 : "Married population 20-24 years old[male] "
A1602022 : "Married population 20-24 years old[female] "
A1602031 : "Married population 25-29 years old[male] "
A1602032 : "Married population 25-29 years old[female] "
A1602041 : "Married population 30-34 years old[male] "
A1602042 : "Married population 30-34 years old[female] "
A1602051 : "Married population 35-39 years old[male] "
A1602052 : "Married population 35-39 years old[female] "
A1603201 : "Widowed population 60 years old and over[male] "
A1603202 : "Widowed population 60 years old and over[female] "
A1604201 : "Divorced population 40-49 years old[male] "
A1604202 : "Divorced population 40-49 years old[female] "
A1604301 : "Divorced population 50-59 years old[male] "
A1604302 : "Divorced population 50-59 years old[female] "
A1801 : "DIDs (Densely Inhabited Districts) population "
A1802 : "DIDs area "
A4101 : "Live births "
A4200 : "Deaths "
A4201 : "Deaths [0-4 years old] "
A4231 : "Deaths [65 years old and over] "
A5101 : "In-migrantsfrom other prefectures "
A5102 : "Out-migrantsto other prefectures "
A6107 : "Daytime population "
A6106 : "Inflow population "
A6104 : "Out flow population "
A7101 : "Total households "
A710101 : "Private households "
A710201 : "Private household members "
A810102 : "Family nuclei households "
F1501 : "Dual-income households "
A810105 : "One-person households "
A8111 : "Households with members 65 years old and over "
A8201 : "Aged-couple households "
A8202 : "Households consisting of aged-coupleand person(s) under 18 years old "
A8301 : "Aged-single-person households "
A8302 : "Households consisting of an aged personand person(s) under 18 years old "
A9101 : "Marriages "
A9201 : "Divorces "
B1102 : "Total land area "
B1101 : "Total land area [excluding the northernterritories and Takeshima island] "
B1106 : "Forest area "
B1301 : "Area of artificial forest "
B2101 : "Natural park area "
B1103 : "Inhabitable area "
B1201 : "Evaluated land tract [taxable land area] "
B120101 : "Evaluated land tract [paddy fields] "
B120102 : "Evaluated land tract [fields] "
B120103 : "Evaluated land tract [land of building] "
C1101 : "Gross prefectural product "
C1201 : "Prefectural income "
C120110 : "Taxable income "
C120120 : "Tax payers "
C1308 : "Prefectural expenditure [nominal] "
C1408 : "Prefectural expenditure [real] "
C2104 : "Establishments of secondary industry "
C210104 : "Establishments [manufacturing] "
C2105 : "Establishments of tertiary industry "
C210107 : "Establishments [wholesale, retail trade,eating and drinking places, etc.] "
C2102 : "Private establishments "
C210201 : "Private establishments with 1-4 persons "
C210209 : "Private establishments with 100persons and over "
C2204 : "Persons in secondary industry "
C220104 : "Persons in establishments[manufacturing] "
C2205 : "Persons in tertiary industry "
C220107 : "Persons in establishments [wholesale,retail trade, eating and drinking places] "
C2202 : "Persons in private establishments "
C220201 : "Persons in private establishments with1-4 persons "
C220209 : "Persons in private establishments with100 persons and over "
C3101 : "Gross agricultural product "
C310410 : "Persons engaged in agriculture[Commercial arm households] "
C3107 : "Cultivated land area "
C3120 : "Production by fisheries and aquaculture "
C3125 : "Persons engaged in fisheriesand aquaculture "
C3401 : "Value of manufactured goods shipments, etc. "
C3403 : "Manufacturing establishments "
C3404 : "Persons at work in manufacturingestablishments "
C3501 : "Total sales during the year[wholesale and retail trade] "
C3502 : "Number of establishments[wholesale and retail trade] "
C3503 : "Total number of employees[wholesale and retail trade] "
C3601 : "Outstanding deposits "
C360120 : "Outstanding post-office savings "
C3602 : "Outstanding personal deposits "
C4101 : "Cases of bankruptcies "
C5101 : "Consumer price index general[including imputed rent] "
C5102 : "Consumer price index general[excluding imputed rent] "
C5104 : "Consumer price index food "
C5105 : "Consumer price index housing[including imputed rent] "
C5106 : "Consumer price index fuel, light& water charges "
C5107 : "Consumer price index furniture &household utensils "
C5108 : "Consumer price index clothes & footwear "
C5109 : "Consumer price index medical care "
C5110 : "Consumer price index transportation& communication "
C5111 : "Consumer price index education "
C5112 : "Consumer price index reading &recreation "
C5113 : "Consumer price index miscellaneous "
C5401 : "Average price for land transaction[residential quarter] "
C5403 : "Average price for land transaction[commercial quarter] "
D3101 : "Settlement of total revenue [prefecture] "
D3102 : "Amount of self-financial resources[prefecture] "
D3105 : "Outstanding amount of local governmentbond [prefecture] "
D2109 : "Revenues from local taxes and grants[prefecture] "
D310101 : "Local taxes [prefecture] "
D310103 : "Grants to local governments [prefecture] "
D310108 : "National disbursements [prefecture] "
D4201 : "Amount of resident tax [prefecture+ municipalities] "
D4202 : "Amount of fixed assets tax [prefecture+ municipalities] "
D430101 : "Amount of national tax "
D3103 : "Settlement of total expenditure[prefecture] "
D3203 : "Settlement of total expenditure[municipalities] "
D310303 : "Total welfare expenditure [prefecture] "
D320303 : "Total welfare expenditure[municipalities] "
D3103031 : "Social welfare expenditure [prefecture] "
D3203031 : "Social welfare expenditure [municipalities] "
D3103032 : "Social welfare expenditure for the aged[prefecture] "
D3203032 : "Social welfare expenditure for the aged[municipalities] "
D3103033 : "Welfare expenditure for children[prefecture] "
D3203033 : "Welfare expenditure for children[municipalities] "
D3103034 : "Expenditure for livelihood protection[prefecture] "
D3203034 : "Expenditure for livelihood protection[municipalities] "
D310304 : "Health expenditure [prefecture] "
D320304 : "Health expenditure [municipalities] "
D310305 : "Labour expenditure [prefecture] "
D320305 : "Labour expenditure [municipalities] "
D310306 : "Agriculture, forestry and fishery expenditure[prefecture] "
D320306 : "Agriculture, forestry and fishery expenditure[municipalities] "
D310307 : "Commerce and manufacturing expenditure[prefecture] "
D320307 : "Commerce and manufacturing expenditure[municipalities] "
D310308 : "Public-works expenditure [prefecture] "
D320308 : "Public-works expenditure [municipalities] "
D310309 : "Police expenditure [prefecture] "
D3203099 : "Fire protection expenditure[Tokyo-to municipalities] "
D310311 : "Education expenditure [prefecture] "
D320310 : "Education expenditure [municipalities] "
D3103112 : "Education expenditure for elementary schools[prefecture] "
D3203102 : "Education expenditure for elementary schools[municipalities] "
D3103113 : "Education expenditure for junior high schools[prefecture] "
D3203103 : "Education expenditure for junior high schools[municipalities] "
D3103114 : "Education expenditure for senior high schools[prefecture] "
D3203104 : "Education expenditure for senior high schools[municipalities] "
D3103115 : "Education expenditure for schools forhandicapped pupils [prefecture] "
D3203105 : "Education expenditure for schools forhandicapped pupils [municipalities] "
D3103116 : "Education expenditure for kindergartens[prefecture] "
D3203106 : "Education expenditure for kindergartens[municipalities] "
D3103117 : "Social education expenditure [prefecture] "
D3203107 : "Social education expenditure [municipalities] "
D310312 : "Disaster relief expenditure [prefecture] "
D320311 : "Disaster relief expenditure [municipalities] "
D310401 : "Personnel expenses [prefecture] "
D310404 : "Allowances [prefecture] "
D2110 : "Investment expenditure [prefecture] "
D310406 : "Construction expenses [prefecture] "
E2101 : "Elementary schools "
E3101 : "Junior high schools "
E4101 : "Senior high schools "
E410102 : "Public senior high schools "
E1101 : "Kindergartens [total] "
E110102 : "Public kindergartens "
E6101 : "Junior colleges "
E6102 : "Colleges and universities "
E7101 : "Speciality schools "
E7102 : "Miscellaneous schools "
J2503 : "Day nurseries [total] "
J250301 : "Public day nurseries "
E2201 : "Ground area of public elementary schools "
E3201 : "Ground area of public junior high schools "
E4201 : "Ground area of public senior high schools "
E2206 : "Public elementary schoolswith gymnasium "
E3206 : "Public junior high schools with gymnasium "
E4206 : "Public senior high schools with gymnasium "
E2207 : "Public elementary schools withswimming pool "
E3207 : "Public junior high schools withswimming pool "
E4207 : "Public senior high schools withswimming pool "
E2501 : "Elementary school pupils [total] "
E250102 : "Public elementary school pupils "
E3501 : "Junior high school students [total] "
E350101 : "Public junior high school students "
E4501 : "Senior high school students [total] "
E4512 : "Public senior high school students "
E1501 : "Kindergarten pupils [total] "
E1502 : "Public kindergarten pupils "
E6302 : "Students enrolled in colleges anduniversities [total] "
E630210 : "Students enrolled in national collegesand universities "
E630220 : "Students enrolled in public collegesand universities "
E630230 : "Students enrolled in private colleges anduniversities "
E7201 : "Speciality school students "
E7202 : "Miscellaneous school students "
J2505 : "Capacity of day nursery "
J2506 : "Day nursery pupils [total] "
J250604 : "Enrollments in public day nursery "
E5400 : "Pupils and students of schools forthe handicapped "
E2401 : "Elementary school teachers [total] "
E240102 : "Elementary school teachers [female] "
E3401 : "Junior high school teachers [total] "
E340102 : "Junior high school teachers [female] "
E4401 : "Senior high school teachers "
E1301 : "Kindergarteners "
J2504 : "Day nursery teachers "
E2502 : "First graders of elementary schools "
E1601 : "Infants completed kindergartens "
J2508 : "Infants completed day nurseries "
E2508 : "Long-term absentees from elementary school[30 days and more for a school year] "
E3505 : "Long-term absentees from junior high school[30 days and more for a school year] "
E250801 : "Long-term absentees from elementary schoolpupils due to diseases[30 days and more for a school year]"
E350501 : "Long-term absentees from junior high schoolstudents due to diseases[30 days and more for a school year]"
E250802 : "Long-term absentees from elementary schoolpupils due to refusal to attend school[30 days and more for a school year]"
E350502 : "Long-term absentees from junior high schoolstudents due to refusal to attend school[30 days and more for a school year]"
E4703 : "Candidates for colleges or universities[new graduates from senior high schools] "
E460210 : "Senior high school graduates going on tojunior colleges "
E460220 : "Senior high school graduates going onto colleges and universities "
E6402 : "New students admitted to junior colleges "
E6403 : "New students admitted to collegesand universities "
E6501 : "Junior colleges graduates "
E6502 : "Colleges and universities graduates "
E9102 : "People having completed elementary orjunior high school only "
E9103 : "People having completed up tosenior high school "
E9105 : "People having completed up tojunior college or equivalent "
E9106 : "People having completed collegeand universities "
F1101 : "Labour force "
F110101 : "Labour force [male] "
F110102 : "Labour force [female] "
F1102 : "Employed persons "
F1107 : "Unemployed persons "
F110701 : "Unemployed persons [male] "
F110702 : "Unemployed persons [female] "
F110801 : "Not in labour force [male] "
F110802 : "Not in labour force [female] "
F1202 : "Persons with a job "
F2201 : "Persons employed in theprimary industry "
F2211 : "Persons employed in thesecondary industry "
F2221 : "Persons employed in thetertiary industry "
F2401 : "Employees "
F2704 : "Persons living and workingin the same prefecture "
F2705 : "Commuters to other municipality "
F2803 : "Commuters from other municipality "
C310612 : "Persons employed in agriculture asa side job [working away from home][commercial arm households]"
F3102 : "Active applications (total) "
F3103 : "Active job openings (total) "
F3105 : "New employments (total) "
F3106 : "New employments in the establishmentlocated in the same prefecture (total) "
F3211 : "Active applications of part-time job[regular, total] "
F3221 : "New employments of part-time job[regular] "
F3230 : "Number of part-time worker [female] "
F3302 : "New high school graduates seeking a job "
F3322 : "New high school graduates getting jobs "
F3312 : "New high school graduates openings "
F340201 : "Active applications [45 years oldand over] (monthly average) "
F341101 : "New employments [45 years old and over] "
F350110 : "Employed persons[physically disabled persons] "
F350210 : "New employments[physically disabled persons] "
E4601 : "High school graduates "
E4604 : "New high school graduates getting jobs "
E460410 : "High school graduates getting jobsin the same prefecture "
E650130 : "Junior colleges graduates not working "
E650230 : "Colleges and universities graduatesnot working "
E650220 : "Colleges and universities graduatesgetting jobs "
F4201 : "Persons who continue present job "
F4202 : "Persons who changed jobs "
F4203 : "Persons who quitted jobs "
F4204 : "Persons newly employed "
F5103 : "Public human resources developmentfacilities "
G1201 : "Public halls "
G1401 : "Libraries "
G1501 : "Museums "
G1602 : "Educational facilities for youthand children "
G1606 : "Welfare facilities for young workersand women "
G2101 : "Youth education classes "
G2102 : "General adults education classes "
G2103 : "Women education classes "
G2104 : "Education classes for the aged "
G5101 : "Movie theaters "
G3101 : "Public sports facilities "
G310103 : "Public multi-purpose playgrounds "
G310108 : "Public tennis courts "
G310106 : "Public gymnasiums "
G310104 : "Public swimming pools[indoor and outdoor] "
G310102 : "Public baseball and softball grounds "
G5109 : "Sales of books and magazines per year "
G5105 : "Passports issued "
H1101 : "Dwellings occupied by households "
H1310 : "Owned houses "
H1320 : "Rented houses "
H1322 : "Rented houses by private sector "
H1401 : "Detached houses "
H1402 : "Tenement-houses "
H1403 : "Apartments "
H1800 : "New construction of houses "
H1801 : "New construction of owned houses "
H1802 : "New construction of rented houses "
H2201 : "Dwellings with flush toilet "
H2202 : "Dwellings with bathroom "
H2301 : "Dilapidated and overallrepair-needed dwellings "
H2500 : "Total floor area of new constructions "
H2600 : "Total floor area of newconstruction of dwellings "
H2601 : "Total floor area of new construction ofowned houses "
H2603 : "Total floor area of new constructionof rented houses "
H3110 : "Number of ordinary households "
H740104 : "Ordinary households of which main earner is anemployee commuting for 90 minutes and over "
H4320 : "Planned cost of new constructionof dwellings "
H5101 : "Electric power consumed "
H5204 : "Amount of sales of city gas "
H5203 : "Households covered by city gassupply system "
H5205 : "Amount of sales of gasoline "
H530101 : "Population covered by watersupply system "
H530102 : "Population served bysimplified waterworks "
H530103 : "Population served byexclusive waterworks "
H540301 : "Population in area coveredby sewage system "
H540302 : "Population covered bysewage treatment "
H5404 : "Persons living in dwellings with flushtoilet connected to sewage system "
H5501 : "Population covered by wasteprocessing service "
H5603 : "Total quantity of collected garbage "
H5604 : "Quantity of garbage processed "
H5606 : "Amount of garbage reclamation "
H5601 : "Population covered by garbagecollection service "
H5607 : "Remaining space of reclamation facility "
H6101 : "Retail stores excluding eatingand drinking places "
H610102 : "Dry goods, apparel and accessoryretail stores "
H610103 : "Food and drink stores "
H6102 : "Eating and drinking places "
H6103 : "Large-scale retail stores "
H6104 : "Department stores "
H6105 : "Self-service stores "
H610504 : "Convenience stores "
H6110 : "Gas stations "
H6107 : "Barbers and beauty shops "
H6108 : "Laundries "
H6109 : "Public bathhouses "
H7501 : "Post offices "
H7601 : "Telephones subscribed "
H760101 : "Telephones subscribed for residence "
H7602 : "Public telephones "
H7110 : "Total real length of roads "
H7111 : "Total real length of major roads "
H7121 : "Total real length of major paved roads "
H7112 : "Total real length of local roads "
H7122 : "Total real length of local paved roads "
H7200 : "Automobiles owned "
H7201 : "Passenger cars for household use "
H7202 : "Taxis "
H8102 : "Urbanization control area "
H8104 : "Formarked area for special use "
H810401 : "Exclusive residential area "
H810402 : "Residential area "
H810408 : "Commercial and neighbouring commercial area "
H810403 : "Neighbouring commercial area "
H810409 : "Industrial and quasi-industrial area "
H810407 : "Exclusive industrial area "
H9201 : "Area of public parks "
H9101 : "Number of public parks "
H9102 : "Number of parks for inhabitants "
H9103 : "Number of neighbourhood parks "
H9104 : "Number of parks for exercise "
I510120 : "General hospitals "
I510121 : "Public general hospitals "
I5102 : "General clinics "
I510110 : "Mental hospitals "
I5103 : "Dental clinics "
I521110 : "Beds in general hospitals "
I521111 : "Beds in public general hospitals "
I5212 : "Beds in general clinics "
I521130 : "Beds for mental diseases "
I521120 : "Beds in mental hospitals "
I6101 : "Physicians "
I6201 : "Dentists "
I6401 : "Clinical nurses [engaged] "
I6501 : "Assistant clinical nurses [engaged] "
I610112 : "Full-time physicians engaged ingeneral hospitals "
I640111 : "Clinical nurses in general hospitals "
I650111 : "Assistant clinical nursesin general hospitals "
I540201 : "Emergency hospitals "
I540202 : "Emergency general clinics "
K1209 : "Ambulances "
K1210 : "Frequencies of calls for ambulances "
I7102 : "Pharmacies "
I7101 : "Drug sellers "
I821101 : "Total outpatients in general hospitals "
I821102 : "New inpatients in general hospitals "
I821103 : "Discharged patients in general hospitals "
I821104 : "Total inpatients in general hospitals "
I821201 : "Total outpatients in mental hospitals "
I821202 : "New inpatients in mental hospitals "
I821203 : "Discharged patients in mental hospitals "
I821204 : "Total inpatients in mental hospitals "
I9101 : "Deaths caused by geriatric diseases "
I9102 : "Deaths caused by malignant neoplasms "
I9103 : "Deaths caused by diabetes mellitus "
I9104 : "Deaths caused by hypertensive disease "
I9105 : "Deaths caused by heart disease[excluding hypertensive heart disease] "
I9106 : "Deaths caused by cerebro-vascular disease "
I9108 : "Suicides "
A4270 : "Still-births "
A4271 : "Late foetal deaths1) "
A4272 : "Early neonatal deaths "
A4280 : "Neonatal deaths "
A4281 : "Infant deaths "
I8401 : "Births weighing under 2,500g1) "
I9111 : "Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium2) "
I6801 : "Public health nurses "
I210114 : "Recipients of medical inspection forgeriatric diseases by public health centers "
I210115 : "Recipients of medical inspection for pregnantand puerperal women by public health centers "
I210116 : "Recipients of medical inspection for babiesand infants by public health centers "
I2301 : "Total persons given dental hygiene inspection "
I2211 : "Pregnant and puerperal women givenhealth guidance "
I2502 : "Food business places "
I2503 : "Cases of penalties for food business places "
I8101 : "Number of person who havesubjective symptom "
I8102 : "Outpatients "
J1101 : "Households assisted by livelihood protection "
J1105 : "Persons assisted by livelihood protection "
J110603 : "Educational recipients assisted bylivelihood protection "
J110604 : "Medical recipients assisted bylivelihood protection "
J110702 : "Aged persons assisted bylivelihood protection[65 years old and over]"
J1200 : "Certificates issued for physicallydisabled persons "
J2201 : "Institutions for livelihood protection "
J2311 : "Homes for the aged "
J230221 : "Fee-charging homes for the aged "
J230141 : "Welfare centers for the aged "
J230211 : "Recreation centers for the aged "
J2401 : "Rehabilitation facilities forphysically disabled persons "
J2701 : "Facilities for people with mental retardation "
J250101 : "Child welfare institutions "
J2208 : "Workers at institutions forlivelihood protection "
J2314 : "Workers at homes for the aged "
J230144 : "Workers at welfare centers for the aged "
J230214 : "Workers at recreation centers for the aged "
J2404 : "Workers at rehabilitation facilitiesfor physically disabled persons "
J2704 : "Workers at rehabilitation facilities forpeople with mental retardation "
J250201 : "Workers at child welfare institutions "
J2202 : "Capacity of institutions forlivelihood protection "
J2312 : "Capacity of homes for the aged "
J230222 : "Capacity of fee-charging homes for the aged "
J2402 : "Capacity of rehabilitation facilities forphysically disabled persons "
J2702 : "Capacity of facilities for peoplewith mental retardation "
J2205 : "Inmates in institutions forlivelihood protection "
J2313 : "Inmates in homes for the aged "
J230223 : "Inmate in fee-charging homes for the aged "
J2403 : "Inmates in rehabilitation facilitiesfor physically disabled persons "
J2703 : "Inmates in facilities for people withmental retardation "
J3101 : "Welfare (child) commissioners "
J3102 : "Counsellors for physically disabled persons "
J3103 : "Counsellors for people with mental retardation "
J3107 : "Homehelpers "
J3201 : "Consultations and guidances bywelfare (child) commissioners "
J3202 : "Applications of livelihoodprotection to welfare offices "
J3203 : "Actual number of physically disabledpersons treated "
J3205 : "Actual number of physically disabled personstreated at rehabilitation offices "
J3204 : "Actual number of people with mentalretardation treated at welfare offices "
J3206 : "Actual number of people with mentalretardation treated at rehabilitation offices "
J4101 : "Persons insured by national health insurance "
J4104 : "Cases of benefits paid by nationalhealth insurance(medical treatment)"
J4105 : "Amount of benefits paid by nationalhealth insurance(medical treatment)"
J4202 : "Persons insured of government managedhealth insurance "
J4203 : "Dependents of government managedhealth insurance "
J420411 : "Cases of benefits paid for insured persons bygovernment managed health insurance(medical treatment)"
J420412 : "Cases of benefits paid for dependents bygovernment managed health insurance(medical treatment)"
J420511 : "Amount of benefits paid for insured persons bygovernment managed health insurance(medical treatment)"
J420512 : "Amount of benefits paid for dependents bygovernment managed health insurance(medical treatment)"
J520101 : "Insured person of national annuity[Class 1] "
J520102 : "Insured person of national annuity[Class 3] "
J6102 : "Persons insured by employment insurance "
J6105 : "Recipients of benefits ofemployment insurance "
J6104 : "Total amount of paid basic benefitof employment insurance "
J6109 : "Day labourers insured byemployment insurance "
J6110 : "Recipients of benefits of employmentinsurance for day labourers "
J6111 : "Amount of paid benefits of employmentinsurance for day labourers "
J6302 : "Workers receiving labour accidentcompensation insurance "
J6303 : "Number of benefit payments by labouraccident compensation insurance "
J6304 : "Amount of paid benefits by labouraccident compensation insurance "
K1101 : "Fire stations "
K1104 : "Fire fighting units and sub-units "
K1106 : "Fire engines and cars existing "
K1107 : "Water facilities for fire fighting "
K1103 : "Firemen in stations "
K1105 : "Firemen in units "
K1201 : "Operation frequencies "
K120201 : "Operation frequencies for fire extinction "
K2101 : "Occurrences of fire "
K2102 : "Building fires "
K2107 : "Households suffered by fires "
K2109 : "Persons killed or injured fires "
K2106 : "Estimated value of loss by building fires "
K3201 : "Elevated crossings "
K3202 : "Crossings "
K3204 : "Traffic signals "
K3101 : "Traffic accidents "
K3102 : "Persons killed or injured by traffic accidents "
K3103 : "Persons killed by traffic accidents "
K3104 : "Persons injured by traffic accidents "
K4401 : "Arrests for traffic violations "
K4101 : "Police stations and police boxes "
K4102 : "Police men "
K4201 : "Recognitions of criminal offense "
K420101 : "Recognitions of felonious offense "
K420102 : "Recognitions of violent offense "
K420103 : "Recognitions of larceny offense "
K420105 : "Recognitions of moral offense "
K4202 : "Arrests for criminal offense "
K420203 : "Arrests for larceny offense "
K4204 : "Juvenile delinquents arrested forcriminal offense "
K420403 : "Juvenile delinquents arrested forlarceny offense "
K4301 : "Cases indicted for specialcriminal laws "
K4303 : "Cases indicted for drug laws "
K5112 : "Damage of disaster "
I9110 : "Deaths by accidents "
K6103 : "Cases of grievances against pollution "
K610501 : "Soot and smoke emitting facilities "
K610502 : "General dust discharging facilities "
K6106 : "Number of specified factories underthe Water Pollution Control Law "
K7105 : "Private life insurance policies in force "
K7107 : "Insurance paid by private life insurance "
K7203 : "Post-office life insurance policiesin force "
K7204 : "Amount insured by post-office life insurance "
K2202 : "New policies fire insurance effected "
K2206 : "Cases of payments of fire insurance "
K2208 : "Amount of payments of fire insurance "
K3405 : "Receipt of payments of compulsory automobileliability insurance "
K3407 : "Amount of payments of compulsory automobileliability insurance "
K3303 : "Cases of payments of voluntaryautomobile insurance "
K3304 : "Amount of payments of voluntaryautomobile insurance "
L3130 : "Disposable income[worker's households] "
L3210 : "Expenditure[worker's households] "
L3211 : "Living expenditure[worker's households] "
L320101 : "Expenditure for food[all households] "
L320102 : "Expenditure for housing[all households] "
L320103 : "Expenditure for fuel, light & watercharges [all households] "
L320104 : "Expenditure for furniture & householdutensils [all households] "
L320105 : "Expenditure for clothes & footwear[all households] "
L320106 : "Expenditure for medical care[all households] "
L320107 : "Expenditure for transportation &communication [all households] "
L320108 : "Educational expenditure[all households] "
L320109 : "Expenditure for reading & recreation[all households] "
L320110 : "Other living expenditure[all households] "
L321301 : "Savings[worker's households] "
L321302 : "Insurance premium payments[worker's households] "
L321303 : "Payments of debts for houses and land[worker's households] "
L210101 : "Agricultural income "
L210102 : "Non-agricultural income "
L2103 : "Disposable income[farmer's households] "
L430102 : "Deposits of savings per household[all households] "
L430103 : "Life insurance savings per household[all households] "
L430104 : "Securities savings per household[all households] "
L440102 : "Liabilities for houses and land per household[all households] "