define the modified signed distance as a series of v.

Define w = foo45 as a function of v below.


Then consider the inversion v=foo46 as a function of w  below.


The relations between the two sets of the coefficients are given below.


The relation is actually obtained by solving the following coefficients==0.


Checking if the relation is correct by seeing the identity.


Consider the following [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_918.gif]


Since [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_921.gif] func48[v] = func48[w] + [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_922.gif], and we can ignore the difference between func48[v] and func48[w]. So, if we redefine w = foo45+func48[v], and v=foo46-func48[w], the inversion relation still holds.  We call "v" as the signed distance, and "w" as a modified signed distance characterized by the coefficients cr[r] and br[r].

Jacobian [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_923.gif] of the transformation from v to w is given below. Here D[func48[w],w] is denoted as [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_924.gif]


We need the log of the Jacobian for later use. logjvw=log [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_929.gif].


Similarly, we write func48[w] as [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_932.gif]and vinuw is v expressed by u and w.


Converted by Mathematica      July 21, 2003